Impact Stories


A dreadful disease requires an equally powerful solution! In India, where an alarming 20 million individuals grapple with sickle cell disease (SCD), the urgency for an effective and scalable solution is stark.[1] This genetic disorder, characterized by the abnormal shaping of red blood cells into a sickle-like form, poses significant health risks. SCD-induced complications, such as blocked blood flow in small vessels, often result in excruciating pain and severe health issues, including infections, acute chest syndrome, and strokes.

While SCD affects individuals of all genders, women with this disorder face heightened risks during pregnancy. The complications, including maternal mortality, preterm birth, and low birth weight, have serious implications for both the mother and the child, potentially resulting in long-term health issues and developmental challenges for the newborn.

Early detection is critical to protect patients from possible SCD complications. Unfortunately, in remote and rural areas, access to diagnostics is a major challenge. Recognizing the barriers in healthcare delivery and diagnosis in rural and remote areas, the Government of India launched the ‘National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Mission’, aiming for the eradication of SCD by 2047.[2]

Supporting the government’s goal to eradicate the disease, HemexDx introduced Gazelle™, an innovative ‘Make-in-India’ point-of-care diagnostic tool. Tailored for use in remote locations, Gazelle™ operates effectively in temperatures up to 45°C, is portable, runs on battery power for all-day use, and delivers test results with on-screen interpretation in only 8 minutes. This advancement enhances accessibility to testing and strengthens local healthcare support.

SAMRIDH, through its recoverable grant initiative, is supporting HemexDx in scaling its reach in rural and remote areas in 2 states. The enterprise aims to test over 2 million individuals using Gazelle™ during SAMRIDH’s first year of support, with a particular focus on reaching 50% females. The financial assistance is also enabling Hemex in establishing 590 strategically located testing sites, facilitating efficient delivery of results to patients and the healthcare system.

By covering 50% females, this intervention offers significant benefits for women:

  • Informed decision-making: Knowledge of their health status enables women to make informed decisions about pregnancy, family planning, and overall healthcare management.
    Female technician testing women and children for sickle cell and beta thalassemia in a PHC in Odisha
  • Reducing pregnancy complications: Timely diagnosis of SCD and related disorders during pregnancy helps manage risks and improves maternal and child health outcomes.
  • Decreased healthcare burden: Early diagnosis and intervention can minimize the economic burden on families by reducing the need for frequent hospitalizations and complex treatments.

Together, HemexDx and SAMRIDH are not just combating sickle cell disease but also championing women’s health and empowerment. By prioritizing women in outreach efforts, they are ensuring that millions of women across India have access to timely diagnostics and are empowered to make informed decisions about their health and families. This initiative not only saves lives but also breaks socio-economic and cultural barriers, setting a powerful precedent for inclusive healthcare that benefits entire communities.

