Impact Stories

BigOHealth: Revolutionizing Healthcare Access in Rural India

The healthcare landscape in rural India is rife with challenges, with a staggering 73% of people lacking access to affordable and quality healthcare. Moreover, 63% of individuals pay for medical expenses out of their own pockets, resulting in over 55 million people being pushed into poverty every year.[1] This problem hits Bihar and Uttar Pradesh hardest, where more than 300 million people struggle with healthcare affordability challenges.[2] Daily wage earners in these states often forgo their earnings for medical care, while remote communities resort to unqualified practitioners, leading to preventable deaths. Moreover, delayed treatments due to unaffordable quality healthcare services and poor access to healthcare facilities worsen the situation. Thus, urgent reforms are needed to alleviate the widespread suffering and poverty entrenched in rural India’s healthcare system.
BigOHealth digital platform
Addressing this crisis, BigOHealth offers a digital platform that provides underserved rural population with access to high-quality and affordable healthcare across primary, specialist, and tertiary care. The health tech platform, available in vernacular languages, including Hindi, caters to individuals with limited technological, financial, and medical literacy. It facilitates online and in-person appointments, tele and video consultations, and home-based diagnostic tests, ensuring convenient access to medical services. This not only accelerates healthcare delivery but also reduces patient expenses, mitigating the risk of exploitation by intermediaries and unqualified practitioners. BigOHealth’s approach includes a hyper-local distribution channel that comprises mobile and web applications, a 24×7 call center, and strategically located village pharmacy distribution centers. These integrated services not only enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery but also empower rural communities to take charge of their health and well-being. By bridging the gap between healthcare providers and underserved populations, this solution significantly contributes to breaking the cycle of suffering and impoverishment entrenched in rural India’s healthcare landscape. With this, people can save time and money by scheduling appointments more easily and accessing specialist care. Additionally, the platform empowers them to advocate for better healthcare in their communities, as exemplified by Ramesh Giri, a resident of Areraj in the East Champaran district of Bihar.
Ramesh Giri, a beneficiary of BigOHealth healthcare services in the East Champaran district of Bihar, supporting others by becoming the platform’s agent
Initially introduced to the platform through a poster, Ramesh was intrigued by the initiative. The platform’s swift assistance in scheduling appointments with a physician, whose crowded clinic had previously deterred him in seeking timely treatment, pleasantly surprised him. His experience was seamless and convenient, even when consulting with an eye specialist. The platform’s ability to adhere to appointment timings and provide regular updates proved to be invaluable, saving him precious time. Witnessing the long queues of people under the scorching sun waiting for doctors’ appointments, Ramesh recognized the platform’s potential to alleviate the challenges of those travelling from distant villages to access consultations of specific doctors. Inspired by the transformative impact of the platform on his own, Ramesh eagerly embraced the role of promoting BigOHealth. He became an agent, driven by the vision to expand the platform’s reach and improve healthcare access in Motihari and surrounding villages. To further expand BigOhealth’s healthcare services, the SAMRIDH Blended Finance Facility is providing financial support. Through this collaboration, SAMRIDH, backed by the U.S. Agency for International Development and implemented by IPE Global, is enabling BigOhealth to expand its operations and secure commercial validation for its hyper-local distribution channel. This strategic intervention targets 10,000 low to middle-income rural patients across 100 villages in Bihar’s districts of Motihari, Siwan, Gopalganj, Darbhanga, and West Champaran. By minimizing travel time and out-of-pocket expenses, this initiative significantly enhances healthcare accessibility for underserved communities. Furthermore, SAMRIDH’s role extends beyond financial support. It collaborates with BigOHealth to establish robust reporting systems for efficient performance monitoring. This collective effort promotes transparency and accountability, improving healthcare delivery and empowering rural communities with comprehensive solutions. Ramesh’s journey is one of many stories showcasing the transformative potential of BigOHealth in alleviating the challenges rural populations face in accessing proper healthcare services. By facilitating easy access to trusted doctors, hospitals, and expert opinions, BigOHealth is not only simplifying healthcare access but also empowering individuals to advocate for better healthcare within their communities.
[1]  Aditya_Gupta. 2023. “Medical Care Costs Force 55 Million Indians Into Poverty.” Medical Buyer. May 19, 2023. [2]   RGI. 2022. Aadhaar Saturation Data.”