Impact Stories

Ujala Cygnus: Delivering Uncompromised Quality and Accessible Comprehensive Healthcare to All

India’s Healthcare Divide

India faces a glaring disparity in healthcare access between urban and rural areas. Urban centers, housing 75% of the country’s healthcare resources, cater to only 30% of the population, leaving rural areas underserved. This leaves the majority of rural residents with limited access to quality care, exacerbating health inequities. The complex interplay of economic factors and geographic challenges further exacerbates these disparities. In major cities, the prohibitive cost of healthcare makes it inaccessible to many middle and lower-middle-class families[1]. Moreover, residents of tier 2, 3, and remote areas often face long journeys to reach urban hospitals, delaying critical treatments and often leading to severe complications or even death[2].

The shortage of healthcare professionals in smaller cities further compounds this crisis. Skilled doctors and nurses gravitate towards urban centers for economic opportunities and lifestyle benefits, leaving tier 2 and 3 cities understaffed. This talent vaccum further widens the gap in healthcare quality and accessibility between urban and rural areas.

These systemic issues not only affect health outcomes but also have profound economic implications. The financial burden of healthcare in India is particularly severe, with a significant portion of expenses borne directly by patients and their families. High out-of-pocket healthcare expenses push an estimated 55 million people into poverty annually, as families are forced to sell assets to cover medical bills. This financial strain can lead to long-term economic instability, even in cases where patients survive their illnesses, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and inadequate healthcare access.

Ujala Cygnus: Revolutionizing Healthcare for Underserved Communities

Ujala Cygnus is tackling these interconnected systemic challenges by offering affordable, high-quality healthcare in underserved areas. Its mission focuses on bridging the healthcare gap in tier 2 and 3 cities by partnering with existing operational hospitals and upgrading them to meet NABH accreditation standards. Specializing in critical care, Ujala Cygnus provides comprehensive affordable healthcare services including intensive care, neurology, cardiology, trauma care, and a range of specialties, including neurosurgery, orthopedics, gastroenterology, oncology, pediatrics, and advanced laparoscopy. They charge about 20% of the costs found in private metropolitan hospitals and also offer free treatment for low-income families, ensuring that even vulnerable populations have access to essential healthcare. Operating on a unique, low-cost model meant that securing funding for scaling up to an adequate number of tier 2 & 3 cities would be a tall task. 

SAMRIDH’s Support to Scale Ujala Cygnus’ Innovative Model

SAMRIDH identified the uniqueness of this North-India’s affordable hospital chain and provided essential financial support through a blended finance solution, which enabled the addition of 2 more hospitals in the chain of Ujala Cygnus in Varanasi and Kanpur. Through this partnership, Ujala Cygnus expanded its reach while maintaining its mission to provide affordable, comprehensive healthcare.

Ujala Cygnus follows an asset-light operational model, leasing hospital buildings through fixed rental agreements or revenue-sharing models. This strategy minimizes the need for heavy capital investment in new construction, allowing for rapid expansion. Currently, 5-6 hospitals are in the pipeline each week to be converted into Ujala Cygnus facilities. These are typically multi-specialty hospitals in small cities that struggle due to lack of interest in running the hospital by the succeeding generation of hospital founders or a shortage of medical staff. Before onboarding, each hospital undergoes a thorough evaluation to ensure regulatory compliance, with necessary adjustments made to meet standards.

Cluster-Based Approach for Efficiency

Ujala Cygnus employs a cluster-based approach, establishing hospitals in close proximity within North India. This model allows efficient resource sharing, including medical professionals and infrastructure, reducing costs. Branding and marketing expenses are also minimized, as the hospitals are cohesively advertised under the Ujala Cygnus brand name. By creating clusters of hospitals, the organization optimizes its operations by sharing resources, improving patient referrals between facilities, and ensuring that specialized services are available to a broader population. This approach not only strengthens Ujala Cygnus’ operational efficiency but also ensures that patients in smaller cities receive timely access to quality healthcare, reducing the need to travel to larger cities for treatment.

Cost-Effective Operations, Uncompromised Quality

Ujala Cygnus prioritizes investments that directly impact patient outcomes while minimizing unnecessary expenses. The company uses high-quality generic drugs to reduce costs and employs doctors on fixed salaries to discourage unnecessary procedures. Bulk purchasing across the hospital network further lowers costs, while stringent hygiene standards shorten patient stays and reduce complications. Non-critical supplies, such as beds and curtains, are sourced locally, supporting local economies and keeping operational expenses low.

Impact and Results

Ujala Cygnus now operates 23 hospitals across 5 states, with over 2,500 beds, serving more than 3 million patients. Despite offering services at only 20% of the cost charged by large urban hospitals, Ujala Cygnus provides uncompromised and high-quality healthcare. Founder Dr. Shuchin Bajaj emphasizes the importance of ethical medical practices, stating, “There is a clear distinction between profits and profiteering. Profitability is crucial, but it is possible to achieve it while delivering social good.”

A Sustainable Healthcare Model

Ujala Cygnus’s presence in tier 2 and tier 3 cities positively impacts local economies by creating jobs and attracting medical talent to underserved areas. Its asset-light model, ethical practices, and strategic partnerships with organizations like SAMRIDH exemplify how innovative healthcare delivery can address systemic challenges.

As Ujala Cygnus continues to expand, millions more can access high-quality healthcare without the crippling financial burden associated with big-city hospitals. The company is proving that equitable, accessible healthcare is not just a possibility but a sustainable reality.

[1] The high cost of healthcare in tier 1 cities further compounds the issue, making it unaffordable for middle and lower-middle-class families